• Promotes circulation helping the control of CVI sympthoms, commonly known as tired legs

  • Sugested use

    1 capsule a day with plenty of water

  • Easy to take

Contravaris is made of Ruscus aculeatus, a medicinal plant whose main bioactive components are the ruscogenins. Ruscogenins are used to promote blood circulation, helping reduce symptoms of minor venous circulatory disturbances of the lower limbs, such as discomfort and heaviness of legs. 

Our benefits



  • Contributes to strengthen vein and venule walls.
  • Helps prevent the appearance of symptoms.
  • Helps improve blood circulation.


  • Helps relieve TIRED legs.
  • Helps control CVI symptoms.
  • Promotes circulation preventing the appearance of varicose veins.



  • Contributes to strengthen vein and venule walls.
  • Helps prevent the appearance of symptoms.
  • Helps improve blood circulation.


  • Helps relieve TIRED legs.
  • Helps control CVI symptoms.
  • Promotes circulation preventing the appearance of varicose veins.

Varicose Veins

Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), commonly known as “tired legs”, is a condition that affects between 40% and 60% of women and is related to a disfunction of venous valves.

Blood is pumped by the heart and circulated through the veins throughout the body. Venous valves prevent the backwards flow of blood and assures that circulation be maintained in one direction. 

When there is venous valve disfunction, there are substances released that generate a weakness of vein walls and blood circulation malfunction, triggering the bothering symptoms of tired legs.

Mainly affects women

3 in 4 affected are women.

Identify CVI on time

Leg fatigue

Heaviness in legs





Varicose veins

Spider veins

Risk Factors

Gender (women)


Family history

Hormonal therapies


Hemorrhoids are swollen veins (or group of) in the rectum and anus.

Hemorrhoids occur when rectal veins present an abnormal dilatation and increased blood flow. There can be inflammation that can cause discomfort, bleeding and even urinary problems.

Suffering from hemorrhoids is one of the most common anorectal disorders. 90% of the population are affected at least once in their lifetime.

Contravaris helps prevent or reduce varicose veins and hemorrhoids and its symptoms such as pain, itching, and rectal bleeding.


Tired Legs? 4 tips to relieve your legs this summer

| Healthy Legs | 6,013 Comments
Contravaris. Vein relief, step by step. Contravaris is made from Ruscus Aculeatus, an European native bush which active ingredient -Ruscogenins- aids in the prevention of symptoms associated with CVI. Its potent vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effects that greatly reduce the feelings…
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Beautyful, healthy and varicose-free legs

| Healthy Legs | 5,528 Comments
Feeling pain when using high heels? When you get home after work, have you felt that your legs are heavier? That you only want to take off your shoes or that you feel your legs are swollen? Do you get…
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What are varicose veins?

| Healthy Legs | 6,012 Comments
Varicose veins are the visible consequence from Superficial Chronic Venous Insufficiency (SVI), which affects how the venous valves work. The venous valves are elastic flaps of tissue that open and close in alternation to let blood flow back to the…
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What is Contravaris made of?

Each Capsule contains 100mg of standardized Ruscus Aculeatus extract

What is Ruscus? Is it Natural?

Ruscus Aculeatus a bush native to Europe. It’s Active Ingredient (ruscogenics) has been vastly studied to confirm its effects in the relief of CVI (Chronic Venous insufficiency) symptoms.

What is CVI? Is it the same as Varicose Veins?

CVI is one of more common vascular conditions and affects primarily women and tends to increase with age.

CVI occurs due to the malfunction of the leg vein valves, which are in charge of maintaining the blood flow in a specific direction. When they malfunction, blood starts to pool (collect) in the vein, which is called “stasis” and causing the appearance of spider veins, and if not treated properly, varicose veins.

Varicose Veins are the visible side of CVI and are veins that are permanently dilated and deformed. Other CVI symptoms are swelling, pain, itching, heaviness and cramps.

How does Contravaris Works?

Due to its active ingredient, Contravaris may be able to strengthen vein’s walls, increase the venous tone and have an anti-inflamatory and anti-edema effect. It works by constricting the venous walls, decreasing vascular permeability, and inhibiting the elastase enzyme, thus helping prevent and relieve the symptoms associated with varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

How can I complement Contravaris?

If you want to go the extra mile to make sure you get the best results, we have some recommendations:

  • Exercise! Go cycling, swimming or do yoga. Try taking daily walks, drink enough water and eat healthy.
  • Change your position from time to time.If you must keep standing for long periods of time, alternate the leg you rest your body weight on. If your lifestyle requires you to sit for a long stretches of time in a daily basis, try extending your legs and rotating your ankles as many times as you can.
  • Try sleeping with your legs on a higher position in relation to your head and avoid crossing your legs. Avoid using tight clothes.
  • Reduce the intake of food that could increase the change of developing CVI, such as an excess of sugars, protein, and animal fat.

What is the recommended Serving Size?

1 capsule a day to help prevent CVI.

At what time f the day should I take Contravaris?

You can take Contravaris in any time of the day, although we recommend you take it with a glass of water and one of the four meals.

For how long can I use Contravaris?

You can take Contravaris for up to 3 months, then rest for 1 month, and you can go back using it or follow the instructions of your Healthcare Professional.

Are there any contraindications?

You should not take Contravaris if you have hypersensitivity to any of its components, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have hypertension or renal insufficiency.  If you have glaucoma, please consult with your healthcare professional before taking Contravaris. Only for adults and children over 12 years old.

Are there any adverse side effects?

There may be rare cases of Gastric Intolerance and nausea.
