Healthy Legs – Contravaris Tue, 14 Jun 2022 18:21:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthy Legs – Contravaris 32 32 Tired Legs? 4 tips to relieve your legs this summer Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:44:19 +0000

Contravaris. Vein relief, step by step.

Contravaris is made from Ruscus Aculeatus, an European native bush which active ingredient -Ruscogenins- aids in the prevention of symptoms associated with CVI. Its potent vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effects that greatly reduce the feelings of weight and tiredness, helps improve blood circulation.

Contravaris is a natural and effective solution that will help you prevent or relieve those pesky Tired Legs symptoms.

Chronic Venous insufficiency (CVI)

Commonly known as tired legs, is a condition that affects mainly women (between 40% to 60%), and it’s related to a malfunction of the vascular system.

Blood is pumped by the heart and circulates through the veins in our body, flowing in only one direction and goes back to the heart. What stops our blood from flowing in the opposite direction are the venous valves that are in the veins.

When the venous walls malfunction -specially on the legs- the veins begin to swell and fill up with blood, causing the weakening of the venous walls which result in the annoying symptoms of the Tired Legs Syndrome such as swelling, pain, cramps, tingling, heaviness in the legs, “spiderlike” veins and varicose veins.

Some of the main risk factors are:

  • Hereditary factors
  • Being female
  • Hot & humid places
  • Using high heels
  • Sitting or standing for long periods of time
  • Pregnancy
  • Chronic Constipation
  • Being overweight
  • Age

Some advice that will help prevent or relieve the symptoms associated with the Tired Legs Syndrome:

1- Increase the intake of fiber and water, maintaining a healthy diet:

Increasing your fiber and water intake will help prevent constipation. Constipation puts the vascular system under a lot of pressure, increasing the chance for the venous valves to deteriorate and malfunction. A healthy diet helps prevent or slow the weakening of vein valves.

2- Massage your legs:

Massaging your legs daily is very beneficial. You can do it while taking a shower with a horsehair glove, from the ankles to the hips, so you can stimulate blood circulation.

3- Daily walks:

Try to walk at least 30 minutes every day. Other physical activities that help specifically to tone up your leg muscles are biking, running, and swimming. All of these can help you keep your legs healthy.

4- The Cold Effect:

Whenever you apply hydrating cream, be sure to cool it beforehand. This will help stimulate blood flow, reducing liquid retention and easing up the swelling and tingling.

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Beautyful, healthy and varicose-free legs Tue, 28 Dec 2021 19:04:39 +0000

Feeling pain when using high heels? When you get home after work, have you felt that your legs are heavier? That you only want to take off your shoes or that you feel your legs are swollen? Do you get cramps or feel that your legs are itchy? Have you noticed that there are some veins more visible than others or do you see little spidery veins on your legs?

If you have suffered from any of these symptoms, you may be showing early signs of Superficial Venous Insuffiency (SVI), Deep Venous Insuffiency (DVI) or Peropherial Arterial Disease (PAD). These diseases cause the weakening of our vasculatory system, debilitating the outer walls of our veins or arteries and cause some, any or all the symptoms mentioned previously.

If you are at the early stages, you can alleviate the discomfort and try to prevent the worsening of these conditions!

The first thing that you must do is change your habits. Try increasing your fiber intake and drinking more water. Also reduce sugars and fats in your diet and if you can, try to walk or do some exercise daily. Use comfortable clothes, avoid crossing your legs while sitting and try sleeping with your legs elevated. All these tips will help you reduce the discomfort you feel.

Now we will show you a couple of simple exercises that may help you relieve symptoms of tired legs.

Exercises that will help relief tired legs discomfort

1- While lying down, do “air bicycle” movements (15-20 times)

2 – Criss cross your legs like a scissor (15-20 times)

3 – Walking on your ankles.

4 – While standing, stand on the tip of your feet for 30 seconds and repeat 10-15 times.

5- While lying on your back, keep your legs extended and flex and extend your toes (20 times)

6 – While lying on your back, keep your legs extended and flex and extend your toes (20 times)

7 – Rock yourself on your feet, from your toes to your heels (20 times)

8 – While standing, move your feet side to side in opposite directions (10 repetitions)  

9 – While lying on your bed, lift your legs at a 90° angle, open and close your legs (10 repetitions)

10 – While lying on a flat surface, lift your legs at a 90° angle.

Contravaris is made from Ruscus Aculeatus, an European native bush which active ingredient -ruscogenins- aids in the prevention of symptoms associated with SVI. It has  with potent vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effects that greatly reducing those feelings of weight and tiredness on your legs and helps improve blood circulation.

Contravaris is a natural and effective solution to help relieve and prevent those pesky symptoms described previously.

Contravaris relief step by step. 

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What are varicose veins? Mon, 20 Dec 2021 17:42:12 +0000

Varicose veins are the visible consequence from Superficial Chronic Venous Insufficiency (SVI), which affects how the venous valves work.

The venous valves are elastic flaps of tissue that open and close in alternation to let blood flow back to the heart.

When the venous valves malfunction, at a celular level the quantity of oxigen that tissues receive is reduced (Hypoxia), which in turn releases noxious substances for the venous walls, such as hyaluronidase and elastase.

Hyaluronidase can make “holes” on the our blood vessel walls. Elastase degrades them, making the blood vessels stiff and frail.

Due to the damage caused by these two substances, blood vessels present and increase in permeability, structural damage, and swelling which result in the weakening of the venous walls.

This causes the blood to accumulate at the venous valves and, due to the pressure, varicose veins start to appear. The abnormal blood flow creats an additional preassure and starts to affect other venous valves.

The most common symptoms associated with varicose veins are:

  • Swelling
  • A feeling of heavyness
  • Pain
  • Cramps
  • Spiderlike veins
  • Pricking sensation

What causes varicose veins?

First of all, there is the hereditary risk factor, which implies a genetic predisposition to develop vascular conditions on your legs.Other additional risk factors that increase the likelyhood of vascular problems in the legs are:

Risk Factors

  • Pregnancy.
  • Obesity or body weight swing.
  • Sensación de pesadez.
  • Age.
  • Constipation.
  • Wrong posture
  • Standing or sitting for long periods of time.
  • Consumption of oral contraceptives.
  • Hormonal substitution therapy.

Who are affected by varicose veins?

Between 20% to 30% of adults are affected by Varicose Veins. It’s been observed that it increases with age and women tend to suffer more from it.

Healthy advise from Contravaris®

In his section we will give you some advice so you can keep healthy, beautiful and varicose vein-free legs.

  • Physical Exercise:

    Swimming, cycling, yoga, or regular walks.

  • Position:

    Try not staying in the same position for prolonged periods of time, be it standing or sitting.

    • If you are standing: Try putting the weight of your body on one leg at a time.
    • If you have to sit for a long time: Extend your legs and rotate your ankles as many times as possible. Try not crossing your legs.
    • While sleeping: Try to sleep with your legs higher than your head.
  • Clothing:

    Try not to use clothes that are too tight.

  • Diet:

    Reduce the intake of sugar, excesive amounts of proteins and animal fat. Also try reducing the amount of salt.

  • Others:

    • Treat constipation if needed.
    • Keep a healthy body weight.

Contravaris, Vein Relief, Step by Step.

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Healthy & Beautiful legs? Follow these 6 steps all year long! Mon, 20 Dec 2021 17:36:58 +0000

First Step

Make the skin of your legs look young and healthy. To achieve this, you will need to use a body scrub all over your wet legs, massaging your legs with ascending movements starting from your toes. Remember to scrub with a little more intensity in the rougher zones like the knees.

Massaging your legs this way not only helps to get rid of all the accumulated dead cells, but it also enhances the absorption and effects of creams and oils that you use.

Remember to use lukewarm water when massaging your legs.

Second Step

Hydrate your legs!

Pay special care to hydrate your legs during winter, since it can become dry easily, especially during the cold season.

Using hydrating creams daily will help keep our legs smooth and our skin more flexible.

Creams and oils will be your greatest allies to repair, rejuvenate and/or illuminate your skin.

Third Step

A traditional option to make your legs look good is hair removal, be it waxing, laser, etc.

There are many other ways if you want to manage your leg hair that you can look up if you so choose.

Fourth Step

Try avoiding overly hot places because it may dilate your veins and they may start to show.

To help you with that sense of weight you may feel on your legs, try spraying cold water sporadically and then massage your legs in a circular move ascending from your toes. You may also use cold gels or menthol-infused oils/creams to have some relief.

Eating habits play an important role in your legs and skin health. If you feel that your legs are heavy, try avoiding foods that are high in sodium (salt) since that promotes fluid retention and of course complement this with Contravaris so you can delay spider veins and relax your tired legs.

Fifth Step

All natural skin tones are beautiful, but in the case of lighter-skin tones, spider veins are more noticeable. In that case, you can dissimulate them by using tanning products and give color and definition to your legs.

Sixth Step


Exercising helps to tone and tighten our legs. You don’t need to go to a gym to achieve this: walking, going up the stairs, riding a bike or swimming are examples of activities that will help you keep your whole body healthy and in shape, and some of them can be done all year long!


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